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I’m so excited to tell you about how Young Living essential oils have changed my life. But before I do, let me tell you a little about who I am.

I’m a wife, a Jesus-freak, a mom to 2 beautiful fur babies (yes, my kids have paws), and a medical assistant at a geriatric primary care office. I love to spend time with my family, play with my pups, read, and travel. I am passionate, sarcastic, and a self-proclaimed nerd.

It was a very crooked path that lead me into the medical field, so since we’re friends, I’ll spare you all the details. Once I found myself there, I realized that I loved it! I loved talking with people and getting to know them! I loved being in a position to help them! I loved learning! I loved everything about my new career path…..well, almost everything. The more I saw, the more I realized that people didn’t really consider their health to be a priority. Most people that I met were taking the approach that I had always taken myself; if I see a problem with my health, then I’ll go and get some help. Sounds perfectly rational right? Then I started to realize that many of the things that I was seeing could have probably been prevented if people would have addressed it sooner, and sometimes, they could have avoided it outright! So I started to consider my own health and wellness journey. I realized that every single night, I was taking between 5 to 10 medications. Every! Single! Night! And I wasn’t even 40 years old yet! This could get really ugly by the time retirement comes around! Was I going to be some pill popping lady who got confused about which pills did what? And what about all the side effects that I was experiencing? Would they go away? Was this the best I could do for my health and wellness? Was I becoming exactly like my patients? I mean, I tried to take care of myself, but I know I’m not the girl who’s going to give up my mochas cold turkey! (I’ll let you in more about my mocha obsession later.) I was discouraged, and I honestly wasn’t sure where to turn.

Somewhere in my journey, I started hearing about essential oils from my friend, Beth, and from my amazing sister-in-law, Michelle. They’re both seriously smart, and I trusted their opinions, so I decided to dabble a little into essential oils and how they worked. I knew that they could do amazing things, because I had seen it first hand with my niece, so what’s to lose, right? So, I did what most people do, I rushed over to my trusty iPad, opened Amazon, and I bought some oils. Hurray! I’m on my way…or so I thought. My package arrived, and I opened my oils, dreaming of my new healthier life. As I began to use them, I was , let’s say underwhelmed. My sister-in-law was getting such great results from the oils that she had, and she only had 3 oils! What was I doing wrong? So I asked her. Her response? You need Young Living oils. They’re the best. Ok, you got me, I tried the cheap way out. Surely there couldn’t be that much of a difference. But, being the nerd that I am, I wanted to find out.

I bought my Premium Starter Kit in January 2016 from my husband’s cousin’s wife, Lisa. (Did you follow all that? Ha!) It arrived, and I started to use my oils. To keep it scientific, I made sure that I used them in the same ways that I was using the last oils I had, and I could not believe the difference! These things worked!!! I slept better than I’ve slept in ages! My skin improved! I had more energy! My tummy didn’t have as many problems! My joints didn’t ache as much! My house smelled better! It was incredible! And the best part, I was able to stop taking all of those medications that I was using before, because my health had improved in such a way that I didn’t need them! (Please hear me say this now because it’s important, NEVER, stop taking medications that your doctor has prescribed without talking to them first. I want you to be healthy, but you have to be smart.) At that point, I realized that I was all in on this oil thing. I had to tell people about it! I simply could not keep it to myself! How can I when it was making this much difference for me?! So I began to share with my friends, and they wanted to try them too. They told friends, and their friends wanted to try them too.

Before I knew it, I realized that THIS was what made me SPARKLE! THIS was what ignited my PASSION! THIS is what God had been preparing me for. Isn’t it amazing how He always does that?! With Young Living essential oils, I could empower people to ditch some of the chemicals in their homes, and I could help empower people to take control of their health and wellness journey the way I had begun to. Friend, I want that for you. I want the best for you and your family. I want you to have the abundantly healthy and happy life that God intended, because like me, YOU DESERVE IT!

God bless.
Trisha Barnes